Derniers articles
The advantages and disadvantages of creating a SASU
The advantages and disadvantages of creating a SASU?
How to create a branch in France (Succursale)
Are you a company that wants to sell its products and services in France? This article is for you....
SWOT analysis an essential tool for starting your business!
A SWOT analysis is an incredibly simple and powerful tool to help you develop your business strategy, whether you are...
The advantages of creating an SCI
The SCI is an interesting company system in France, if you want to protect your professional or personal real estate...
The advantages and disadvantages of micro-enterprise status
You have decided to embark on your entrepreneurial adventure. But you still hesitate to create your micro-enterprise? This article is...
The business plan: a key step in entrepreneurship
A business plan in France is a very important strategic tool for entrepreneurs. A good business plan not only helps...